[Prev| Next| Index] 2/14/96, frantz@netcom.com, Los Gatos, CA USA My Use of the Internet By Bill Frantz, frantz@netcom.com. My name is Bill Frantz. I am a 51 year old computer consultant, and I live in Los Gatos, California. I use the Internet both for my business and for my personal activities. I communicate with clients, and keep up with advances in the state of computer technology. I use PGP when my clients require confidentiality because it is the only system I have available which provides at least 90 bits in its symmetric key encryption. As part of my personal activities, I participate regularly in several on line forums, covering public policy, environmental issues, and speleology. These forums allow me to communicate with people around the world who share my interests. Freedom of speech on the Internet allows us to discuss the direction of scientific research, debate the merits of public policies, support candidates, plan meetings, and develop new cave rescue protocols, to name just a small sample. Internet communication allows us to overcome the barriers of time zone and space, and create an online community. I also use email to communicate with my family. My sons are a long distance away, and it is far easier to reach them through email than it is to catch them at home on the telephone. With the distances separating us, it is easier to develop family plans through email than it is over the telephone. For exchanges requiring confidentiality , PGP encrypted email is the safest long distance option. All in all, the Internet is a tool which enhances my life and allows me to be a better citizen. Bill